Bottomless portafilters are all the rage. And for good reason. They're a wonderful tool for improving your espresso, offering a real-time look into your extractions and providing important visual feedback on your shots. And heck, who doesn't love seeing that ooey-gooey rich espresso pouring out of the bottom of the basket?
But what if we told you that you can, and should, consider the best of worlds...both bottomless AND spouted? Well with our new Bottomless Spouts, now you can.

Here at Crema, we believe every tool has a purpose. And even though the bottomless portafilter is one of our favorites, we should keep in mind that it's just that -- a tool. Once you've dialed in your espresso and you're achieving consistent results, from that point on, we believe that bottoms are optional.

After all, bottoms do come in handy from time to time! Maybe you're splitting shots with a friend, or you're having a 7am, late for work, eyes half-open type of morning without enough time to play mad scientist with your espresso. Or, maybe even a family member is taking your home-barista shift for the day, and having spouts is simply a bit more streamlined without having to worry about channeling and spurting.
What ever the case might be, we've got your bottoms covered.

And as a bonus, with the Crema Bottomless Spouts, you can even choose when to add the spouts, based on your preferred workflow.

This mean adding the spouts either before tamping, or after.

Not convinced yet? Check out our demo video, below, and our Bottomless Spouts on our web store when you're ready to get your bottom in gear!